Wednesday 22 April 2015

Finally here

Outside my door
Never been so happy to see a bed!
I flew into Hangzhou after two flights and 17 hours after leaving Auckland, New Zealand. I arrived here at 9pm (Chinese time) and was picked up by one of recruiters. Then driven to a hotel conveniently located a floor below the recruiters office to sleep.

Unfortunately the hotel was under construction and when I arrived at my room, over exposed floor boards, the door was blocked by a Chinese version of Pink Bats. The carpet was dirty but the bed was clean and I was just happy to lay down and get some sleep. I was told that I had to be up and ready at 9am and couldn't eat anything as I had to have my medical tests done the following day.

Looking for my PJ's
So the next morning we went off on a scooter to the hospital. Within half an hour I had had a chest x-ray, blood tests, blood pressure check, height and weight check, eye exam, an ECG, an abdomen check and I had to give a urine sample. Although the hospital was a little run down and old they were extremely efficient, as I went from room to room to have each check done.


  1. Abdomen check? What are they checking for?? Babies or Heroin? Also GREENSUITCASE!

  2. It was an ultrasound so maybe they were checking for both lol!
    Yes, Greensuitcase is happy in China, he says to say hello to you and Neli :-)
