Friday 24 April 2015

Going to the doctors

All my pills
Picking up my pills
Day three after arriving in Yongjia, I caught a cold. I didn't think too much of it as I am surrounded by lots of kids everyday. With that, and a new environment and food, I half expected to get something eventually. However, I didn't think it would last over a week and would get progressively worse. So, yesterday after feeling hot and cold and laying exhausted on the couch, I asked the school manager to take me to the doctors. No appointment was necessary. We just rocked in and waited while he saw other patients, and waited for our turn. The cubicles were left open so we could listen and watch others get diagnosed. The lady before us was having some abdominal pain and we watched as he asked her questions - if only I knew some Chinese! 
Waiting for the doctor

Doctor's cubicles
When it was my turn he asked the manager for my symptoms. Then he took out a regular torch and looked in my mouth and listened to my chest with his stethoscope through my clothes. Within 10 minutes I had a prescription and was picking up my medicine from the pharmacy inside the clinic. So far the persistent coughing has ceased and the fever has disappeared. Since it is Saturday today, I am going to take it easy and recoup for the rest of the day. By class on Monday, I should be back to normal. Yay!


  1. They're like little 50c bags of lollies!

    1. They were definitely like that lol! Some of them tasted like licorice too.

  2. Hope you feeling better ☺ cool adventure Leanne loving the blog...

    1. Hi Deano, I am on my second round of antibiotics and I am feeling much better now. I went back to the doctor today to get a second opinion and more drugs and all up it only cost $2! So cheap lol

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Take care and more posts pls!!!

    1. Ming from Beijing! Nice to hear from you. lol
